Week 12: Results and Poster!

 Happy almost Friday, everyone!

    This week, the last of the GENIII Biolog testing was completed for the ANAS poster, including antibiotic-resistant testing. 

    The results from the metabolic profiles of each stage tested corresponded to the established hypothesis: the bacteria present in the wastewater process will predominantly consist of Gram-negative intestinal species types. 

    We found bacteria types like Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Pseudomonas anginose, Aeromonas eucrenophila, etc. 

    These findings were consistent with the preliminary data from the selective and differential media- MAC, ECC, and HEK agar media. 

    The antibiotic testing originated from curiosity about the bacteria's exposure to prescription drugs, such as antibiotics, in the water. After placing four broad-spectrum Gram-negative antibiotics on a specialized media type designed for antibiotic testing (Mueller Hinton), Hannah incubated them for 24 hours. I read the inhibition zones, which indicate antibiotic inhibition! We found a variety of results, with some bacteria showing signs of antibiotic resistance while the drug inhibited others. 

More testing will be conducted throughout the remainder of the semester to determine the metabolic profile of other isolates!

Here is a photo of the finalized poster for the ANAS conference on Saturday :)


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