Week 2


Happy first day of February! :)

I spent most of my week studying for my courses and shadowing Josh in the DB lab. I think I have gotten more comfortable pouring the agar onto the Petri dishes! Improvement is always fun to acknowledge. 

Tomorrow (02/02/24) is the first official microplastic research meeting, and I am excited to start being more involved in research. I like the blend of my previous semester that included my attention directed toward classes and research. I always look forward to Friday's meetings :)

I grew some bacteria in the lab this week, but again, I forgot to photograph it for the blog, so I am posting a microscopic gram stain image I found when I googled a new bacteria I learned from Josh this week! 

Klebsiella oxytoca:

A bacterium residing in the intestines of people that is gram-negative, bacillus-shaped, and can ferment sugar in the form of lactose. It is an opportunistic bacteria that can cause illness outside the intestines. 

Lieberman JA. Klebsiella oxytoca. PathologyOutlines.com website. https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/microbiologyklebsiellaoxytoca.html. Accessed February 1st, 2024.


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