Week four: Wastewater Visit Date!

 Happy post-Valentine's Day, everyone!

The microplastic research team and I will officially be visiting the wastewater treatment plant tomorrow morning!!! I am excited to review the complete treatment process and seek more connections between our research and the facility's techniques. 

Last semester, the wastewater facility generously provided the team and me with a tour, and while it was immensely informative, my tactic to understanding the process relied on imbuing the details rather than taking notes... So! This semester, I will be making an effort to thoroughly record each step of the process while they provide a tour to aid my research paper near the end of the semester. 

I will update my next blog with the details of the notes I took! :)

This week's bacteria: Clostridia

Clostridia is a gram-positive bacteria that is rod-shaped, anaerobic, and resides in soil and GI tracts. It can produce toxins that may target the subcutaneous tissue of the integumentary (skin) system, skeletal muscle, intestines, and blood. 

Ullah A, Samra H. Clostridium perfringens / C. septicum. PathologyOutlines.com website. https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/microbiologyperfringenssepticum.html. Accessed February 15th, 2024.


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