week six: The ball is officially rolling!

 Happy sixth week of the Fall Semester!

Last Friday, I met with my research group to begin our microplastic identification and analysis training. Utilizing water samples retrieved from a Bonsail park, we set up the filtering equipment with a heavy emphasis on restricting the exposure to other plastics- i.e., by using only glass or metal-derived apparatuses. 

We filtered 600 ml of the water sample and 200 ml of a mixture of 5 ml NaCl solution to yield an 800 ml solution. We then went to the microscope to learn how to identify microplastics. Proceeding in the future, we will be staining our filter papers with a substance known as "nile red dye," which enacts the fluorescence of microplastics when under contact with Ultra-Violet radiation. 

On Friday, we received the opportunity to view Dr. Cotter's BIO181 class staining. I attached some photos. :) (The microplastic is the minute pink speck near the middle left!)

On another note, I have been learning a TON about the world behind microbiology that makes it all possible- the beautiful Phoenix College laboratory. Thanks to the lab technicians, Josh, Chris, and Marcus, I have been able to learn how to make media, how to use laboratory equipment, and get a very cool insider insight on all the experiments they cover. I even got to take a BIO156 laboratory booklet to review in my spare time (I had BIO156 online, and there was no emphasis in lab :( )


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